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A study by the University of Harvard shows:

A highly effective method to fight nail fungus

Finally, after 6 years of agony, I found a solution to completely get rid of my nail fungus in just 12 weeks in a totally natural way.

I have been suffering from nail fungus on my feet for several years.

After visiting the doctor for the first time, I was prescribed a pharmaceutical product which I followed rigorously for 3 months.

However, when I returned to the doctor after that time, I discovered to my frustration that the product had no effect at all.

My nail fungus seemed more resistant than ever.

In the following months and years, I tried numerous pharmaceutical products, but all of them, at best, provided temporary results.

Time and again, the fungus would return with renewed strength.

Frustrated by the limited results, I decided to search the Internet for an alternative solution.

Looking for an effective and sustainable solution to eradicate fungus once and for all, I came across a product that initially made me skeptical.

After numerous experiences where manufacturers promised miraculous results and I ended up spending money on totally ineffective products, I thought to myself that this solution was going to be completely ineffective. 

However, what finally convinced me to try it was the scientific backing of the product, based on the latest studies by dermatologists from the University of Harvard.

The University of Harvard is one of the leading universities in the study of fungal diseases of all kinds. 

When I read several articles about the study, I discovered that renowned podiatrists also called the results of the study the first effective approach against toenail fungus.

The study revealed crucial information about...

... the measures necessary to achieve a definitive elimination of nail fungus.

... the most effective natural active ingredients in the fight against nail fungus.

... the reason behind its sustainable and long-lasting effectiveness.

Thanks to the study, I understood for the first time how nail fungus develops and why it has been so difficult to fight it until now.

I have summarized the information so that you can understand howfungus works. 

The nail originates in the nail root, also known as the nail matrix, and grows from there.

When a fungal nail infection occurs, the fungus enters the body through the nail and travels to the nail root.

The fungus establishes itself at the root and attacks the growing nail, which forms again at the root and grows back.

This means that as long as the fungus is present at the root of the nail, the nail will continue to grow again and again, affected by the fungus.

The problem lies in the following: traditional home remedies and drugstore products only fight fungus on the surface of the nail, i.e. on the nail itself, but not on the root.

For example, drugstore products try to eliminate fungus on the surface of the nail. 

Although they may temporarily push back the fungus on the nail surface, the active ingredients do not penetrate to the nail root (nail matrix).

As a result, the nail grows back again and again, being attacked by the fungus.

By understanding this, I could clearly see why all my previous strategies had been unsuccessful.

The results of the study reveal that the only effective way to eliminate nail fungus is to tackle the problem at its root.

To combat nail fungus at its source, i.e. at the root, the following 3 essential steps are required:

1. It is necessary to "open" the nail at the cellular level to allow the active fungicidal ingredients to penetrate to the root. This allows the active ingredients to reach the affected area.

2. Only when the antifungal active ingredients reach the root of the nail, they can completely eliminate the fungus present in the nail matrix.

3. It is then essential to ensure that the nail regenerates and grows back in a healthy, fungus-free state.

Only by breaking open the fungus at the cellular level, removing it completely from the root of the nail and stimulating its regeneration, will you achieve a lasting and effective solution to eliminate fungus.

According to the study, the key to achieving this lies in the meticulous combination of specific ingredients.

lemon juice:

Lemon juice "opens" the nail (at the cellular level) to allow all the active ingredients to go directly into the nail matrix (root). 

This is achieved thanks to the acid present in lemon juice, which increases the permeability of the nail.

Unlike conventional remedies, which only remove the fungus on the surface, lemon juice allows the ingredients to reach deep into the nail, where the fungus is usually found.

Tea tree oil:

Tea tree oil, on the other hand, is an antifungal ingredient that helps to eliminate nail fungus. 

However, its action is enhanced when combined with lemon juice, as the latter opens the nail and allows the tea tree oil to act at the root of the nail, eliminating the fungus at its source.

Vitamin E:

Vitamin E plays a crucial role in skin and nail care. 

It works by promoting nail regeneration by increasing the moisture content in the nail bed and nail root. 

This nourishes and strengthens the nail, allowing dry and brittle nails to regenerate and grow healthy and strong. 

In addition, vitamin E stimulates nail growth, accelerating the process of removing damaged nails.

Virtually no other remedy on the market contains vitamin E and this is a key reason why the Unique Matrix Method is so effective. 

I know this has been a lot of information all at once.

Therefore, I have summarized the most important information in the following chart:

Based on the results obtained from the research of the University of Harvard, the company "SI Health" developed the product called "Fungus Pen".

What finally convinced me to order the Fungus Pen was the numerous positive testimonials from users.

Thousands of success stories confirm the effectiveness of the fungus pen:

"I can't believe it can be so easy! I spent months getting rid of that pesky fungus that was destroying my nails. At last my feet are healthy again." - Ivy M.

"After using this pen, I have noticed that my nails have experienced an accelerated growth like never before. The fungus has disappeared but at the same time my nails look healthier than ever." - Rosie T.

"I will definitely order the pen again in case the fungus comes back. it is definitely worth it!!" - Eva S.

I decided to try the Fungus Pencil.

What did I have to lose?

I didn't have any nails anymore anyway... 

And it was an unbearable feeling, walking around with such disgusting feet.

So I ordered the Pen.

After receiving the product in the mail, I was pleased to discover that it was composed of plant-based active ingredients and completely free of chemicals and additives. 

This pen combined lemon juice and tea tree oil in the right proportions, along with other effective active ingredients such as vitamin E.

My enthusiasm grew as I regularly used the pen and began to notice amazing results. 

The mere existence of this testimonial is proof enough that I became a true fan of the product.

Because yes: this pen works! 

Following the recommendations of up to three applications per day, I spent two minutes each time to "varnish" the affected fingernails and toenails. 

After a few days I saw the first improvement. 

Healthy nails started to grow back! 

It was an indescribable experience to see the improvement every day and to witness the gradual disappearance of the fungus.

And the most wonderful thing of all: there was no fungus reappearance!

Week after week, I witnessed the growth of new, healthy nails. 

The fungus-affected nail moved further and further to the edge, making room for a completely healthy nail.

The battle against my nail fungus was a success, but I achieved much more than expected!

Not only did I achieve the long-awaited fading of the unpleasant Mr. Nail Fungus thanks to the pen, but I also experienced additional benefits.

Even after the fungus disappeared, I continued to use the pen on a regular basis, and the results were amazing. 

The result: my nails started to grow faster. 

And not only that, but they looked healthy and radiant again, with a beautiful shine.

Efficiency from the U.S.A.

I think the fear of nail fungus reappearing motivated me to continue using the product even after my nails were completely healthy.

The advantage of the Fungus Pen is that it can be used continuously.

As I mentioned before, it consists exclusively of natural ingredients.

I now know that it is also beneficial for the long-term health of my feet and nails.

In a nutshell:

Fights nail fungus: Proven.

Stimulates faster nail growth: Check.

Eliminates nail discoloration and nail irregularities: Check.

And most importantly:

I have achieved something hugely significant in preventing fungal growth.

After almost 13 months, I can safely say that no new fungus has reappeared on my nails.

I believe that by establishing a small nail care routine over time, I have unconsciously become more aware of the health of my nails.

The Fungus Pen Online Shop

As a satisfied customer, I am happy to share my experience with you and also to show you where you can buy the Nail Fungus Pen, which offers numerous advantages in the treatment of nail fungus.

It is important to note that there are other Fungus Pens on the market. 

Therefore, it is essential that you specifically choose this particular pen and be careful not to buy cheap imitation products on platforms such as Amazon.

If the ingredients are not combined in the optimal dosage, you are basically throwing away your time and money.

I want to prevent you from falling into that situation.

If you want to get the same results as thousands of people before you, you need the Fungus Pen, which contains all the key ingredients to fight fungus in the perfect dosage. 

This is the only way to guarantee its effectiveness.

In fact, this Fungus Pen has been proven to work for thousands of people.

It has even been rated "excellent" by dermatest, a recognised institution in the field of dermatology and product testing.

*Update: Due to high demand, the Fungus Pen has experienced frequent stock-outs recently.

In addition, there is currently an ongoing discount campaign called "Summer without nail fungus".

This means that it is very likely that the pen will be sold out soon.

Generally, the waiting period for the product to become available again is approximately 6 to 8 weeks.

Given these circumstances, I would recommend that you purchase the 3-month package as a preventive measure. 

This way, you will be able to maintain continuous treatment without interruption and have peace of mind.

Many readers have shared with me that they initially bought just one pen to try it out. 

However, when they were convinced of its positive effects, they wanted to buy a second pen to completely eliminate nail fungus, but unfortunately the product was out of stock at the time.

It is important to fight nail fungus completely in order to prevent its permanent reappearance. 

Some people require 3 months, 6 months or even longer to achieve this.

Consistency and patience are essential.

If you stop the treatment (due to lack of pen due to running out of stock), you risk losing the progress you have made, which can be frustrating. 

For this reason, I suggest you opt directly for the 3-month package (or even 6 months if your fungus is persistent).

In addition, the purchase is backed by a money-back guarantee. Even if you finish the product and do not like the results, you can get all of your money back. 

The online shop is able to offer this special guarantee because more than 97% of customers are highly satisfied with the results of the Fungus Pen.

Click the button below to visit the shop and see the product for yourself.

What I find impressive about the Fungus Pen is:

1. It is formulated with 100% natural, pharmaceutical grade active ingredients, which guarantees long term elimination of nail fungus.

2. It not only fights nail fungus, but also nourishes the skin around the nail, providing comprehensive care.

3. It has helped over 100,000 people, which is a testament to its effectiveness and reliability.

4. It comes from the USA and meets the highest quality standards, providing peace of mind as to its origin and manufacture.

In terms of less favourable considerations:

The product requires daily application, which can be a compromise in terms of time and consistency.

All in all, the Fungus Pen has convinced me in all respects. Not only did I succeed in effectively combating my nail fungus, but I also achieved effective prevention of its reappearance.

Addendum to this article

Since I published this article, many of you have asked me questions. So I wanted to briefly address the most important ones:

Why is there so little effective help for nail fungus?

Most nail fungus remedies only act superficially and only remove the top layer of the fungus, so to speak. However, the fungus is lodged deep inside the nail and must be fought at the root.

Therefore, an effective and long-lasting remedy against nail fungus must do three things: The nail must be "opened", the fungus must be removed at the root and then the nail must regenerate.

What is the Unique Matrix Method?

The Method is based on the following elements:

-> Opening the nail at the cellular level,

-> Eliminate nail fungus from the root,

-> Regenerate and care for the nail from the root.

Why do I recommend the Fungus Pen?

Because I myself have tried everything to get rid of nail fungus and simply nothing worked. The Fungus Pen is the only product I know of that actually uses the nail matrix method.

What are the ingredients of the Fungus Pen?

Tea tree oil, vinegar, aloe vera, peppermint oil, lemon juice, vitamin E, ultra-pure water, emulsifiers (substances that hold the ingredients together).

Are there any side effects?

The fungus pen contains only natural ingredients, so there are no side effects and the fungus treatment is completely painless.

How long does it take for nail fungus to disappear?

It varies from person to person, but most clients say it takes between 6 and 12 months. Some see improvement in as little as 3 months. The important thing is to be consistent and actually use the fungus pen as recommended.

How does the order work?

I have copied the link below, just click on the button to see if the Fungus Pen is currently available. Unfortunately, it has been sold out quite often lately, as it is very popular. So I recommend buying 3 at a time so you don't have to interrupt your treatment in between.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes, if you are not satisfied with the product, you can get all your money back within 90 days.

I hope this clarifies the most important questions. Here is the link again:


Matilda V.

Dear Olivia, first of all, thank you for your efforts and for the article. I have really learned a lot and it makes a lot of sense why other products have not worked for me so far. At first I was a bit sceptical when I read "tea tree oil". Like you, I had also used tea tree oil before, but without success. But now I understand why tea tree oil alone is not enough. I just ordered the product and can't wait to see the results.

Elsie D.

Written in a very understandable way. Thank you very much for the information.

Sofia M.

I'm going to try it now too. I've been fighting this annoying fungus for 10 years and nothing has worked. I will try this, otherwise I will give up hope. I will keep you posted.

Evelyn P.

I just ordered it and will try it....

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  1. An Open Study to Evaluate Effectiveness and Tolerability of a Nail Oil Composed of Vitamin E and Essential Oils in Mild to Moderate Distal Subungual Onychomycosis
  2. Understanding the Formidable Nail Barrier: A Review of the Nail Microstructure, Composition and Diseases


4.8 | 1,727 Reviews

Nail Care Pen™

Effectively eliminates fungal infections

Visible results in 4 weeks.

Convenient at-home therapy

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